Dây cổng COM BD9 cái - cái

3.5 5 4 Product
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Dây cáp RS232 truyền dữ liệu qua cổng COM, được sử dụng rộng rãi trong các bài toán truyền thông qua modem GPRS/3G. 

  • Đầu BD9 cái - cái 
  • Chiều dài 1.5m

AC34132-OS2-10: Patch Cable Fiber / Single-Mode Optic Fiber with LC/LC connectors -10 meters

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AC34132-OS2-10: Patch Cable Fiber / Single-Mode Optic Fiber with LC/LC connectors -10 meters c...

AC34132-OS2-20: Patch Cable Fiber / Single-Mode Optic Fiber with LC/LC connectors -20 meters

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AC34132-OS2-20: Patch Cable Fiber / Single-Mode Optic Fiber with LC/LC connectors -20 meters c...

AC34133-OS2-2: Patch Cable Fiber / Multi-Mode Optic Fiber with LC/LC connectors -2 meters

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AC34133-OS2-2: Patch Cable Fiber / Multi-Mode Optic Fiber with LC/LC connectors -2 meters của...

AC34133-OS2-10: Patch Cable Fiber / Multi-Mode Optic Fiber with LC/LC connectors -10 meters

Giá: Liên hệ
AC34133-OS2-10: Patch Cable Fiber / Multi-Mode Optic Fiber with LC/LC connectors -10 meters c...

AC34133-OS2-20: Patch Cable Fiber / Multi-Mode Optic Fiber with LC/LC connectors -10 meters

Giá: Liên hệ
AC34133-OS2-20: Patch Cable Fiber / Multi-Mode Optic Fiber with LC/LC connectors -10 meters c...

AC67700-10-S: SFP module with LC connector for single-mode fiber-optic (SMF) with spans up to 10 km long

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AC67700-10-S: SFP module with LC connector for single-mode fiber-optic (SMF) with spans up to 10 km ...

AC67700-20-S: SFP module with LC connector for single-mode fiber-optic (SMF) with spans up to 10 km long

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AC67700-20-S: SFP module with LC connector for single-mode fiber-optic (SMF) with spans up to 10 km ...

AC67700-40-S: SFP module with LC connector for single-mode fiber-optic (SMF) with spans up to 10 km long

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AC67700-40-S: SFP module with LC connector for single-mode fiber-optic (SMF) with spans up to 10 km ...

AC34-AB1TP: KNX Power Supply - KNX out 640mA - in 240VAC

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AC34-AB1TP: KNX Power Supply - KNX out 640mA - in 240VAC của hãng ADFweb - Italy hiện...

AC34-AG1TP: KNX Power Supply - KNX out 640mA + AUX out 30VDC - in 240VAC

Giá: Liên hệ
AC34-AG1TP: KNX Power Supply - KNX out 640mA + AUX out 30VDC - in 240VAC của hãng ADFwe...

AC67400: USB-CAN Interface to configure devices

Giá: Liên hệ
AC67400: USB-CAN Interface to configure devices của hãng ADFweb - Italy hiện đang&nb...
Kết quả 241 - 251 of 251

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